As an IT company operating at the heart of healthcare, we aim for everyone involved in our business to lead healthy and fulfilling lives, both mentally and physically.
Our priority is to care for the health of employees and to provide environments where employees can “work as being true to themselves.” We believe that enabling individuals to maximize their performance will help us realize our goal of “Supporting Doctors and Helping Patients.”
<System for Promoting Health Management>
Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization
MedPeer has been certified as a Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization 2023 as selected jointly by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
Going forward, as a health tech company, we will endeavor to maintain and enhance the health of our employees and work to enhance our productivity and corporate value.
(Certified Corporate ID 2023006095)
What is the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program?
Under the recognition program, the Nippon Kenko Kaigi examines organizations engaging in initiatives for overcoming health-related challenges in communities or for promoting health-conscious activities led by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi, and it recognizes outstanding enterprises carrying out efforts for health and productivity management.
Promoting Diverse Work Styles
Remote Work System
Before COVID-19, we had already begun a trial to improve productivity by working remotely one day a week. Our current basic policy is a hybrid work system, incorporating remote work. MedPeer thus promotes the realization of work styles that suit each employee's lifestyle.
Location Select System
We introduced our Location Select System to enable employees to work in non-typical environments, stimulating their creativity and productivity. The system also allows for work at third locations (other than the office or home) for reasons related to childcare, nursing care, etc.
Style Select System
We introduced our Style Select System to enable employees to be active Group members even when they decided to live away from the commuting distance range to work due to life changes. Under the system, employees are assigned duties that do not require them to come to the office.
Sub-Track System
Our Sub-Track System grants time for self-improvement and supports life events. Under the system, an employee’s main track is their work at MedPeer, and their sub-track is their activities outside of work. The system aims to promote career development and provide time for other areas of life.
Employee Engagement
Employee Stock Ownership Plan
We provide a stock ownership plan for all directly employed employees, enabling them to acquire shares in the company's stock. To promote the acquisition of shares by employees and ensure the plan operates effectively, we provide an incentive equaling 10% of each employee's contribution to the plan.
Remote Work Allowance
A remote work allowance has been introduced for all employees based on their scheduled remote work hours.
Tech Support System
We provide support related to development efficiency and skill improvement, aiming to enhance our engineers' development capabilities and accelerate MedPeer’s business development.
Evaluation System
Feedback interviews are held between employees and supervisors every six months, creating an opportunity to provide feedback on goal setting and evaluation results. We set requirements for each job grade and provide clear indications for growth steps for each employee. We evaluate individual growth in terms of actions and skills that match our guideline of conduct “Credo,” bringing us closer to the ideal state of our business based on our Mission and Vision. We then reflect each individual’s results and growth in their compensation.
Health & Safety
Introduction of “first call,” Medical Consultation Service
We introduced First Call, a service that provides online health consultations with physicians, as a health management tool for our employees and their families.
Stress Check
Stress checks are conducted yearly to enable mental self-care and provide comfortable work environments.
Our Commitment as a Health Tech Company
Healthtech Summit
To enable interactions amongst our peers in Japan's health tech space ecosystem, we host one of the largest health tech conferences in Japan.
MedPeer cooperated with several other businesses that provide telemedicine consultation services to establish the TELehealth Consultation Quality Improvement Organization (TELEQ), a general incorporated association. The organization aims to improve and develop the business environment for telehealth medical consultations, and will improve the environment for telemedicine consultations, ensuring these consultations can be used safely throughout society.